
美国佛罗里达州(Florida)注册合伙公司LP,LLP,LLLP|GP。合伙企业(GP、LP、LLP、LLLP)在美国佛罗里达州的注册可以通过提交申请表格和支付注册费来实现,注册费按照 Title XXXVI Chapter 620的规定办理。如果在国家内成立的是国内有限合伙企业,建议申请人使用在线申请程序提交他们的注册表格。其余的实体公司类型将需要通过邮寄进行注册。所有文件,无论提交的方式如何,都必须附上申请费用(见下文),并提交给佛罗里达州。
General Partnership–$50
Limited Partnership–$965+$35 (registered agent appointment fee)
Limited Liability Partnership–$25+$50 (GP filing fee)
Limited Liability Limited Partnership–$965+$35 (registered agent appointment fee)
公司注册之前需要进行公司名称的核名查重,以确保公司名称的可用性。 此外该州无法使用公司名称保留,并且名称以先到先得的方式提供。已经使用名字的外国实体公司可以使用另一种名称进行经营。
注意:所有外国合伙企业还需要在其文件中附上一份公司存续证明。无论您打算申请哪种公司类型,或者注册时选择了哪种交付方式,我们会为你提供更多的文字说明,如果你有其他的问题,也可以拨打我们的(美国)客服电话(702) 780-1482
如何注册申请本地LP / LLLP(在线)?
步骤1-在选择和搜索名称之后(请参阅上文以获取更多说明),您可以继续访问本网站,阅读免责声明以表明在线申请的条款和条件,然后选中表明您同意这些条款的框。 点击“ Add filing & Pay Fee”以继续。
步骤2-输入合伙企业注册的生效日期和公司名称开始申请。 您还可以选择在申请中添加身份证明Certificate of Status($ 8.75)或 Certified Copy认证副本($ 52.50)。 在底部,您会看到一个框,用于检查您是否要注册LLLP而不是LP。
步骤4-将需要填写注册代理商的名称和地址才能继续。 应在框内填写注册代理人或服务公司的代表的签名。
如何注册申请LP / LLLP(PDF)?
步骤1-注册LP和LLLP是填写相同的PDF表单。 要开始申请,请选择 Certificate of Partnership (国内) 或 Application for Foreign Limited Partnership (外国)。
Name of LP/LLLP
Name of person to receive correspondence regarding this filing
Firm or business
Full address
Contact information including email address and telephone number
Selection of filing fee
步骤3-如果是国内公司申请,请在合伙证书Certificate of Partnership中提供以下信息:
1-Name of LP/LLLP
2-Address of initial office
3-Name of registered agent
4-Address of registered agent
5-Signature of registered agent
6-Mailing address of initial office
7-If LP is to be LLLP (y/n)
8-Name and business address of each partner
9-Effective date if different than day of filing
Signature of each general partner
1-Name of LP/LLLP (or alternate name if necessary)
2-State/country of formation
3-Date of formation
5-Name of registered agent
6-Signature of registered agent
7-Principle office
8-Mailing address
9-LP or LLLP selection
10-Name, principle office address and mailing address of each partner
11-Effective date if different than date of filing
12-Signature of GP
邮寄地址Mailing Address
Department of State: Division of Corporations
Corporate Filings, P.O. Box 6327
Tallahassee, FL 32314
快递地址Courier Address
Department of State: Division of Corporations
Clifton Building, 2661 Executive Center Circle
Tallahassee, FL 32301
外国合伙公司和佛罗里达州合伙公司都可以使用合伙公司注册声明进行申请。 要打印此文件,请下载此PDF并开始如下填写:
附函(Cover Letter)
Name of GP
Name of person to receive correspondence regarding this filing
Firm or business
Full address
Contact information including email address and telephone number
Selection of filing fee
第一页(Page 1)
1-Name of GP
2-State/country of formation
4-Street address of executive office
5-Street address of main office in Florida (if applicable)
6-Either provide the name and addresses of all partners or the name and address of the Florida agent who will supply such a list. If the agent is a business, provide their Florida registration number
7-Effective date if different than the date of filing
The date of filing
Signature and printed names of two (2) partners
邮寄地址(Mailing Address)
Department of State: Division of Corporations
Corporate Filings, P.O. Box 6327
Tallahassee, FL 32314
快递地址(Courier Address)
Department of State: Division of Corporations
Clifton Building, 2661 Executive Center Circle
Tallahassee, FL 32301
如欲将普通合伙转为有限责任合伙,可下载此PDF(Statement of Qualification)。那些还没有注册成为GP的人在打印Statement of Qualification之前必须填写相应的文件,如上所示。
附函(Cover Letter)
Name of LLP
Partnership registration number
Name of person to receive correspondence regarding this filing
Firm or business
Full address
Contact information including email address and telephone number
Selection of filing fee
第一页(Page 1)
1-Name of partnership as well as the GP registration number (if not applicable, attach a partnership registration statement along with the appropriate filing fee)
2-Suffix for partnership
3-Street address of chief executive office
4-Street address of principle office in Florida (if different from above)
5-Name and street address of partnership agent
7-Effective date if different than date of filing
Date, signature and printed name of partner
邮寄地址Mailing Address
Department of State: Division of Corporations
Corporate Filings, P.O. Box 6327
Tallahassee, FL 32314
快递地址Courier Address
Department of State: Division of Corporations
Clifton Building, 2661 Executive Center Circle
Tallahassee, FL 32301
EIN –雇主识别号,即“ EIN”,是美国国税局提供的用于允许公司实体开设银行帐户并进行日常金融活动的编号。 大多数机构通常在允许合伙企业进行交易之前需要此号码。 EIN是IRS识别和跟踪您合伙企业财务活动的方式。 为了获得EIN,您可以填写IRS网站上的在线表格,也可以填写并提交称为IRS-SS4表格的PDF格式。
合伙协议–在美国佛罗里达州,不需要为此类实体公司订立协议,但强烈建议您制定协议,以建立合伙经营的条款和条件。 运营协议概述了合伙企业中所有合伙人的角色和期望值,并作为一种积极的手段,可以在合伙企业成立之初就确定合伙企业的总体目标和方向。 通过伙伴关系协议不需要经过法律认证,相反,您只需在协议完成后为所有有需要的各方制作副本即可。
公司续约注册–美国佛罗里达州为了使所有合伙企业(GP除外)在该州保持存续状态,必须每年在1月1日至5月1日之间提交年度报告。 合伙企业之间的申请费不同(LP- $ 500,LLLP- $ 500,LLP- $ 25),但所有费用都必须在线完成。 通过州政府网站。 请注意,LP和LLLP逾期将收取$ 400的滞纳金。
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