
在美国明尼苏达州(Minnesota)注册公司LP,LLP,在美国明尼苏达州建立合伙企业,无论合伙企业的类型、外国或国内的名称,都属于Business and Lien System中的 express business filings,因此只需填写一份PDF表格并支付费用(在线或其他方式)即可。为了在线文件,你必须创建一个帐户在Business and Lien System中。其他可用的注册方式有通过邮寄或亲自递交,每一种费用列出如下。从列表中选择要注册的公司类型。
Domestic LP – $120 online / in person, $100 by mail
Domestic LLP – $155 online / in person, $135 by mail
Foreign LP – $120 online / in person, $100 by mail
Foreign LLP – $155 online / in person, $135 by mail
无论您打算申请哪种公司类型,或者注册时选择了哪种交付方式,我们会为你提供更多的文字说明,如果你有其他的问题,也可以拨打我们的(美国)客服电话(702) 780-1482
- Name of LP
- Office address
- Agent for service name / address
- LLP distinction
- Effective date of filing
- GP name/address/signature
- E-signature and date
- Email address for official notices
- Name/phone number of filer
步骤3-打印PDF申请表格并附上一张支票给州务卿的适当金额的支票(邮寄$ 100,亲自交纳$ 120)。 公司注册材料完成后,将其邮寄或递送至以下地址:
Minnesota Secretary of State – Business Services
Retirement Systems of Minnesota Building
60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 St Paul, MN 55103
步骤1- 首先下载MN-FLP-FORM申请表格进行注册申请。
步骤2- 下载完成后,请提供以下信息:
- Name of LP in home jurisdiction
- Operating name in Minnesota if different
- Home jurisdiction
- Office address
- Agent for service name / address
- LLP distinction
- Effective date of filing
- GP name/address/signature
- E-signature and date
- Email address for official notices
- Name/phone number of filer
步骤3- 打印PDF申请表格并附上一张支票给州务卿的适当金额的支票(邮寄$ 100,亲自交纳$ 120)。 公司注册材料完成后,将其邮寄或递送至以下地址:
Minnesota Secretary of State – Business Services
Retirement Systems of Minnesota Building
60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 St Paul, MN 55103
步骤1- 那些申请国内有限责任合伙企业的人将被要求首先下载MN-LLP-FORM。
步骤2- 在PDF阅读器中打开申请表格后,您将需要提供以下信息:
- Legal name of partnership
- Chief executive address
- Minnesota office address
- Mailing address
- Resident agent name / address
- Effective date of filing
- Partner e-signature(s) and date
- Email address for official notices
- Name/phone number of filer
步骤3- 将支票(邮寄的$ 135,亲自递交的$ 155)附加到您的公司注册材料中。 注册文件完成后,将其邮寄或递送至以下地址:
Minnesota Secretary of State – Business Services
Retirement Systems of Minnesota Building
60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 St Paul, MN 55103
第1步-提交外国LLP仅需一分钟,即使通过邮寄或亲自提交也可以。 要提交文件,请下载MN-Foreign Limites Liability Partnership Statement of Qualification PDF并将以下内容填写至表格:
- Legal name of partnership in home jurisdiction
- Operating name in Minnesota if different
- Home jurisdiction
- Chief executive address
- Minnesota office address
- Mailing address
- Resident agent name / address
- Effective date of filing
- Partner e-signature(s) and date
- Email address for official notices
- Name/phone number of filer
- Alternate name application (optional)
第2步- 将支票(邮寄的$ 135,亲自递交的$ 155)附加到您的公司注册材料中。 注册文件完成后,将其邮寄或递送至以下地址:
Minnesota Secretary of State – Business Services
Retirement Systems of Minnesota Building
60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 St Paul, MN 55103
EIN –如果您要建立新的合伙企业,则需要在注册后申请雇主识别号。该号码将发给向其雇员代扣代缴税款的所有雇主,实体公司或个人。没有EIN,您的实体公司将无法执行许多重要的财务交易,并且雇用员工的能力将受到限制。申报者可以在线申请,也可以通过 IRS-SS4PDF申请 。
公司更新-为了使您的合伙企业保持存续状态,您必须代表合伙企业向州政府提交年度报告。 可以亲自通过Business and Lien System在线或通过以下地址的邮寄完成申请。书面申请人必须下载与他们的合伙企业类型相对应的年度报告PDF,并附上一张支票给州务卿,然后将其交付至以下地址。
Domestic LP – $45 online / in person, $25 by mail
Domestic LLP – $180 online / in person, $160 by mail
Foreign LP/LLP – $45 online / in person, $25 by mail
Minnesota Secretary of State – Business Services
Retirement Systems of Minnesota Building
60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 St Paul, MN 55103
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