
在美国俄克拉何马州(Oklahoma)注册公司LP,LLP,GP。在美国俄克拉何马州可以通过邮寄和在线注册申请有限责任和有限责任合伙企业的。 对于不太喜欢在线注册的人以及外国公司注册提交人,州政府提供PDF申请表格。 完成后,您将可以通过邮寄将其发送到政府部门,并附带以支票或汇票支付申请费。 在线提交者将被要求支付相同的费用,可以通过信用卡支付。
General Partnership– $100
Domestic Limited Partnership– $100
Domestic Professional Limited Partnership– $100
Domestic Limited Liability Partnership– $100
Domestic Limited Liability Limited Partnership– $100
Foreign Limited Partnership– $300
Foreign Professional Limited Partnership– $300
Foreign Limited Liability Partnership– $100
Foreign Limited Liability Limited Partnership– $100
无论您打算申请哪种公司类型,或者注册时选择了哪种交付方式,我们会为你提供更多的文字说明,如果你有其他的问题,也可以拨打我们的(美国)客服电话(702) 780-1482
- 1- Name of the partnership
- 2- Street address of chief executive office and, if applicable, address of chief executive office in Oklahoma
- 3- Name and address of agent or names and addresses of partners authorized to execute an instrument transferring real property held in the name of the partnership
- 4- If applicable, an attached statement of authority or like document
- Date of filing, signature and name of two general partners
步骤3-附加至申请文件的费用为$ 100,以支票或汇票的形式发给州政府。 您可以将注册材料邮寄到以下地址,由州政府办公室处理。 如果您选择加快申请速度,请付加急费用,然后将申请发送到下面的地址。
Business Filing Department
421 N.W. 13th, Suite 210
Oklahoma City OK 73103
- 1- LP is to be LLLP (yes/no)
- 2- Name of LP/LLLP
- 3- Street and mailing address of designated office
- 4- Name and address of registered agent
- 5- Term of duration
- 6- Email address of primary contact
- 7- Name and address of each general partner
- 8- Any additional information
- Date of signing
- Name, title and signature of each general partner
步骤3-附加至申请文件的费用为$ 100,以支票或汇票的形式发给州政府。 您可以将注册材料邮寄到以下地址,由州政府办公室处理。 如果您选择加快申请速度,请付加急费用,然后将申请发送到下面的地址。
Business Filing Department
421 N.W. 13th, Suite 210
Oklahoma City OK 73103
- 1- Name of LLP
- 2- Street address of partnership’s chief executive office and address of an office in Oklahoma (if applicable)
- 3- Name and street address of agent for service of process if there exists no office in Oklahoma.
- 4- Deferred effective date (if applicable)
- 6- Substance of amendment or cancellation (if applicable)
- Date of signing
- Signature and name of at least two partners
步骤3-附加至申请文件的费用为$ 100,以支票或汇票的形式发给州政府。 您可以将注册材料邮寄到以下地址,由州政府办公室处理。 如果您选择加快申请速度,请付加急费用,然后将申请发送到下面的地址。
Business Filing Department
421 N.W. 13th, Suite 210
Oklahoma City OK 73103
步骤1- 首先下载OK-Certificate-of-Authority-FLP-申请表格申请表格进行注册申请。
步骤2- 下载完成后,请提供以下信息:
- 1- LP is to be LLLP (yes/no)
- 2- Name of partnership
- 3- State/country of formation
- 4- Street and mailing address of principle office
- 5- If LP is required to maintain an office in its original jurisdiction, the address of that office
- 6- Email address of the primary contact of the the registered business
- 7- Name and mailing address of registered agent
- 9- Name and address of each general partner
- Date of signing
- Name, signature and title of each general partner
步骤3-附加至申请文件的费用为$ 300,以支票或汇票的形式发给州政府。 您可以将注册材料邮寄到以下地址,由州政府办公室处理。 如果您选择加快申请速度,请付加急费用,然后将申请发送到下面的地址。
Business Filing Department
421 N.W. 13th, Suite 210
Oklahoma City OK 73103
- 1-Name of partnership or fictitious name to be used in Oklahoma
- 2- Street address of partnership’s executive office and office of partnership in Oklahoma (if any)
- 3- Name and address of partnership’s agent of service of process in Oklahoma
- 4- Future effective date (if applicable)
- 5- Substance of amendment or cancellation (if applicable)
- Date of signing
- Signature and name of at least two partners
步骤3-附加至申请文件的费用为$ 100,以支票或汇票的形式发给州政府。 您可以将注册材料邮寄到以下地址,由州政府办公室处理。 如果您选择加快申请速度,请付加急费用,然后将申请发送到下面的地址。
Business Filing Department
421 N.W. 13th, Suite 210
Oklahoma City OK 73103
EIN –如果您要建立新的合伙企业,则需要在注册后申请雇主识别号。该号码将发给向其雇员代扣代缴税款的所有雇主,实体公司或个人。没有EIN,您的实体公司将无法执行许多重要的财务交易,并且雇用员工的能力将受到限制。申报者可以在线申请,也可以通过 IRS-SS4PDF申请 。
公司续约-尽管没有必要为美国俄克拉何马州州政府的任何商业实体公司提交年度报告,但仍有望通过有限责任合伙企业为州政府提供两年期报告。 您需要在4月1日至7月1日之间提交此PDF申请文件,并缴纳$50的申请费。 他们要求提供的信息非常有限,不会超过最初的资格证明中已经提供的信息。 所有报告都可以提交到以下地址。
Business Filing Department
421 N.W. 13th, Suite 210
Oklahoma City OK 73103
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