


在美国怀俄明州(Wisconsin)注册公司LP,RLLP。在美国怀俄明州申请者将被要求下载与其公司类型相关的PDF申请表格,并在完成后将其连同附加的申请费一起转发给州政府。 所有类型的合伙企业都需要提交$ 100,以支票或汇票支付。 单击下面与您的实体公司类型相关的链接,以获取有关确切要求的更多信息。

Domestic Limited Liability Partnership
Domestic Registered Limited Liability Partnership
Foreign Limited Liability Partnership
Foreign Registered Limited Liability Partnership


无论您打算申请哪种公司类型,或者注册时选择了哪种交付方式,我们会为你提供更多的文字说明,如果你有其他的问题,也可以拨打我们的(美国)客服电话(702) 780-1482



  • 1-Name of the LP
  • 2-Check this box if you elect to be a LLLP
  • 3-Name and address of the registered agent
  • 4-Mailing address
  • 5-Principal office address
  • 6-Name and address of each partner
  • 7-The amount of cash and a description of the property value as well as the services contributed or to be contributed
  • 8-Date of dissolution
  • Signature and printed name of the general partners as well as the date signed
  • Contact person
  • Daytime phone number
  • Email address
  • Name of the registered agent
  • Address of the registered office
  • Name of the partnership
  • Signature of the registered agent
  • Date signed
  • Printed name of the registered agent
  • Business title of the registered agent
  • Daytime phone number of the registered agent
  • Email address of the registered agent

步骤3-除此文件外,还必须以支票或信用卡/借记卡授权的形式向州政府支付100美元的费用。 包括申请书,申请费,将所有注册资料邮寄至以下地址。

Wyoming Secretary of State

2020 Carey Avenue, Suite 700

Cheyenne, WY 82002




  • 1-Name of the RLLP
  • 2-Name and address of the registered agent
  • 3-Name and address of the of the registered agent (if not in Wyoming)
  • 4-Mailing address
  • 5-Principal office address
  • 6-Type of business to be rendered
  • 9-Signature, printed name and business title of at least one partner as well as the date signed
  • Contact person
  • Daytime phone number
  • Email address
  • Name of the registered agent
  • Address of the registered office
  • Name of the partnership
  • Signature of the registered agent
  • Date signed
  • Printed name of the registered agent
  • Business title of the registered agent
  • Daytime phone number of the registered agent
  • Email address of the registered agent

步骤3-除此文件外,还必须以支票或信用卡/借记卡授权的形式向州政府支付($ 100 )费用。 包括申请书,申请费,将所有注册资料邮寄至以下地址。

Wyoming Secretary of State

2020 Carey Avenue, Suite 700

Cheyenne, WY 82002


步骤1- 首先下载WY-Application-for-Certificate-of-Registration-FLP-申请表格进行注册申请。

步骤2- 下载完成后,请提供以下信息:

  • 1-Name of the LP
  • 2-Name used to transact business in Wyoming
  • 3-Check this box if you elect to be a LLLP
  • 4-Initial state or country of formation
  • 5-Date of formation
  • 6-Period of duration
  • 7-Mailing address
  • 8-Principal office address
  • 9-Address of the office to be maintained in the initial state or country of formation
  • 10-Name and address of the registered agent
  • 11-Name and address of each general partner
  • 12-Initial date the LP began doing business in Wyoming, or the date it will begin to do business in Wyoming
  • 13-Address of the office where the names and addresses of each general partner are kept
  • General partner’s signature, printed name and the date signed
  • Contact person
  • Daytime phone number
  • Email address
  • Name of the registered agent
  • Address of the registered office
  • Name of the partnership
  • Signature of the registered agent
  • Date signed
  • Printed name of the registered agent
  • Business title of the registered agent
  • Daytime phone number of the registered agent
  • Email address of the registered agent

步骤3-除此文件外,还必须以支票或信用卡/借记卡授权的形式向州政府支付($100)费用。 包括申请书,申请费,将所有注册资料邮寄至以下地址。

Wyoming Secretary of State

2020 Carey Avenue, Suite 700

Cheyenne, WY 82002




  • 1-Name of the RLLP
  • 2-Initial state or country of formation
  • 3-Name and address of the registered agent
  • 4-The name and address of the registered agent if the partner’s principal office is not located in Wyoming
  • 5-Mailing address
  • 6-Principal office address
  • 7-Business purpose
  • 8-Initial date the RLLP began doing business in Wyoming, or the date it will begin to do business in Wyoming
  • 9-Any additional details
  • Signature, printed name and business title of at least one general partner as well as the date signed
  • Contact person
  • Daytime phone number
  • Email address

步骤3-除此文件外,还必须以支票或信用卡/借记卡授权的形式向州政府支付(100美元)费用。 包括申请书,申请费,将所有注册资料邮寄至以下地址。

Wyoming Secretary of State

2020 Carey Avenue, Suite 700

Cheyenne, WY 82002


EIN –如果您要建立新的合伙企业,则需要在注册后申请雇主识别号。该号码将发给向其雇员代扣代缴税款的所有雇主,实体公司或个人。没有EIN,您的实体公司将无法执行许多重要的财务交易,并且雇用员工的能力将受到限制。申报者可以在线申请,也可以通过 IRS-SS4PDF申请 。


公司存续更新-怀俄明州的合伙公司每年将需要向州政府提交续约,以保持存续状态。 通过提交年度报告的过程,公司将能够使用上一年中发生的任何更改来更新状态,注册很简单,可以使用您的公司档案ID号在线完成(通过商业搜索找到您的公司ID号)。 未能续约可能会导致额外的费用,并且可能会使您的合伙公司的业务状态更改为拖欠。 提交您的在线报告以及$ 50申请费。

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