在美国密苏里州(Missouri)注册公司LP,LLP,LLLP。提交人在州政府网站上可以找到他们的在线注册门户,下面的教程涵盖了每种合伙公司类型的电子注册过程。 此外,对于那些想通过邮寄提交的申请人,我们也提供了PDF申请文件。 下面我们将介绍希望将其合伙企业扩展到密苏里州的公司以及寻求组建全新实体公司的每个步骤。 每种实体公司类型的申请费已在下面列出。
Domestic LP- $105
Domestic LLP– $55 (2 partners), $80 (3 Partners), $105 (4 or more partners)
Domestic LLLP– $55 (2 partners), $80 (3 Partners), $105 (4 or more partners)
Foreign LP– $105
Foreign LLP– $55 (2 partners), $80 (3 Partners), $105 (4 or more partners)
Foreign LLLP– $55 (2 partners), $80 (3 Partners), $105 (4 or more partners)
无论您打算申请哪种公司类型,或者注册时选择了哪种交付方式,我们会为你提供更多的文字说明,如果你有其他的问题,也可以拨打我们的(美国)客服电话(702) 780-1482
- 1-Name of LP
- 2-Address of registered agent
- 3-Name and mailing address of each general partner
- 4-Reasons for which partnership is to dissolve or the number of years the partnership is to continue (may be perpetual)
- 5-Any other provisions
- 6-Effective date (if applicable)
- Name and address at which document can be returned
- Signature, printed name and date for each general partner
步骤3-完成后,您可以将表格邮寄到以下地址进行处理。 确保已附上总额为$ 105的支票。
Corporations Division
PO Box 778 / 600 W. Main St., Rm. 322
Jefferson City, MO 65102
步骤1- 首先下载MO-Application-for-Registration-LLP申请表格进行注册申请。
步骤2- 下载完成后,请提供以下信息:
- Whether it is an original filing or a renewal
- Registration number
- 1-Name of LLP
- 2-Name of registered agent and their address
- 3-Number of partners
- 4-Statement concerning the nature of the business to be conducted
- 5-Other information (optional)
- Authorized signature, printed name and address of each partner
- Name and address at which document can be returned
步骤3- 填写完表格后,以支票的形式附加申请费。 如果两个合作伙伴已签署,则为$ 55,三个合伙人则为$ 80,四个或更多合伙人为$ 105。 将所有注册材料邮寄到以下位置。
Secretary of State Corporations Division
James C. Kirkpatrick State Information Center
600 W. Main, Rm. 322 PO Box 778
Jefferson City, MO 65102 1-866-223-6535
- Name of LLLP
- Charter number
- 1-Name of LLLP
- 2-Name and address of registered agent
- 3-Number of general partners
- 4-Statement of partnership’s business
- 5-Other information
- Signature, name and date of two general partners
- Name and address at which document can be returned
步骤3-填写完毕后,您需要在支票上附上一张支票给州政府,以支付全部申请费。 如果两个合作伙伴已签署,则为$ 55,三个则为$ 80,四个或更多为$ 105。 将所有注册材料邮寄到以下位置。
Corporations Division
PO Box 778 / 600 W. Main St., Rm. 322
Jefferson City, MO 65102
步骤1- 那些申请国内有限责任合伙企业的人将被要求首先下载MO-Application-for-Foreign-LP。
步骤2- 在PDF阅读器中打开申请表格后,您将需要提供以下信息:
- 1-Name of LP
- 2-Fictitious name of LP (if applicable)
- 3-Jurisdiction in which LP was formed and the date of formation and date to be dissolved
- 4-Name and address of registered agent
- 5-Address of office required to be maintained in state of initial jursidiction
- 6-List of all partners names and addresses
- 7-Address of office at which a list of names, address and capital contributions of LP is held
- Signature, name and date of general partner
步骤3- 向本申请书附上一张向州政府支付的支票,105美元的申请费。 将注册材料放在信封中,然后寄给州政府办公室。
Corporations Division
PO Box 778 / 600 W. Main St., Rm. 322
Jefferson City, MO 65102
第1步-提交外国LLP仅需一分钟,即使通过邮寄或亲自提交也可以。 要提交文件,请下载MO-Application-for-Registration-Foreign-LLP PDF并将以下内容填写至表格:
- Whether it is an original filing or a renewal
- 1-Name of LLP
- 2-Fictitious name (if applicable)
- 3-Jurisdiction and date of formation
- 4-Address of office required to be maintained in state of initial jursidiction or address of principle office
- 5-Name and address of registered agent
- 6-Number of partners
- 7-Statement of partnership’s business
- 8-Other information (optional)
- Signature, name, title of two partners as well as the date
第2步-完成此表格后,向州政府开具一张支票,支票金额为55美元(2个合伙人),80美元(3个合伙人)或105美元(4个或更多个合伙人)。 将注册材料都邮寄到以下地址以完成注册。
Corporations Division
PO Box 778 / 600 W. Main St., Rm. 322
Jefferson City, MO 65102
- Name of LLLP
- Charter No.
- Whether original or renewal
- 1-Name of LLLP in state of initial incorporation
- 2-Name of LLLP in Missouri
- 3-Address of office required to be maintained in state of initial jursidiction
- 4-Name and address of registered agent
- 5-Number of general partners
- 6-Statement of partner’s business
- Name and address at which document can be returned
- 7-Other information
- Signature and name of two partners as well as the date
步骤3-完成此表格后,向州政府开具一张支票,支票金额为55美元(2个合伙人),80美元(3个合伙人)或105美元(4个或更多个合伙人)。 将注册材料都邮寄到以下地址以完成注册。
Corporations Division
PO Box 778 / 600 W. Main St., Rm. 322
Jefferson City, MO 65102
EIN –如果您要建立新的合伙企业,则需要在注册后申请雇主识别号。该号码将发给向其雇员代扣代缴税款的所有雇主,实体公司或个人。没有EIN,您的实体公司将无法执行许多重要的财务交易,并且雇用员工的能力将受到限制。申报者可以在线申请,也可以通过 IRS-SS4PDF申请 。
公司更新-合伙企业不需要向州政府提交年度报告来更新。 但是,LLP或LLLP的提交仅有效期一年,并且您将被要求(如果适用)在该公司成立日期的周年纪念日提交与初次组建相同的文件。 相同的申请费将全额收取。
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